The following illustration shows the SS7 software architecture in a typical system with separate host applications handling the data/control (SCCP) interface, system configuration, and system alarms. The system consists of the following components:
The TX board consists of the following components:
SCCP task that implements the SS7 SCCP layer.
MTP task that implements the SS7 MTP 2 (data link) layer and the MTP 3 (network) layer.
Optional ISUP/TUP task that implements the SS7 ISUP/TUP layer.
Optional TCAP task that implements the SS7 TCAP layer.
TX alarms manager task that collects unsolicited alarms (status changes) generated by the SS7 tasks and forwards them to the host for application-specific alarm processing.
The host consists of the following components:
A TX driver for the native host operating system that provides low-level access to the TX board from the host.
Functions that provide the application with a high-level interface to the SCCP layer services.
Functions that provide the application with a high-level interface to the SCCP management layer services.
An alarm collector process for capturing alarms and saving them to a text file. The alarm collector (txalarm) is provided in both executable and source form. The source can be used as an example for developers who want to integrate the TX alarms into their own alarm monitoring system.
Configuration utilities (one for each SS7 layer) that read the SS7 configuration file(s) and load the configurations to the TX processor tasks at system startup. The SCCP configuration utility (sccpcfg) is provided in both executable and source form. The source code can be used as an example for developers who want to integrate the SCCP configuration into their own configuration management system.
The SCCP manager utility (sccpmgr) provides a command line interface from which alarm levels can be set, buffers can be traced, and SCCP statistics can be viewed and reset.